Career Opportunities in Munich
Inova Semiconductors is a Munich-based, fabless semiconductor manufacturer which was founded in 1999. It designs, markets and sells its products and licensed technologies both directly and through a global network of distributors, heavily focusing on the automotive market.
The core competence of Inova resides in the development and marketing of high-speed digital data transmission semiconductor technologies for harsh automotive environments.
APIX™2 and APIX™3 are the company's flagship product lines that have delivered major advancements in digital multimedia transmission, particularly in the automotive, industrial and transportation market segments.
Inova Semiconductors has also entered the emerging smart digital LED market under the ISELED™ brand name as member of an open, industry-wide alliance.
Werkstudent*In Applikation / Testprogrammentwicklung
- Vermessung und Charakterisierung integrierter Schaltungen
- Untersuchung und Optimierung von Übertragungsmedien
- Entwicklung und Aufbau von Applikations-schaltungen
- Script-Programmierung zur Durchführung automatisierter Testreihen
- Mitarbeit bei der Testprogrammentwicklung
- Praktische Erfahrung im Bereich Messtechnik
- Laborarbeiten
- Halbleiter-Schaltungstechnik
- Layout von Platinen
- Kenntnisse in Programmierung mit C / Python
Working Student
Inova Semiconductors GmbH
Human Resources
Zielstattstraße 32
D-81379 Munich - Germany
Phone: +49-89-457475-60
Fax: +49-89-457475-88